When I paint, I am exploring the liminal space between the material world and the unseen.

From the beginning of this journey where becoming an artist rescued me, I have surrendered and allowed it to take me where I needed to go, to reveal what needed to be revealed. 

My approach to art is layered, literally and figuratively. I begin from a place without rules, allowing this alchemical process to unfold layer by layer. It begins with my hands molding a foundation, followed by paint that is scraped, scratched, and sculpted with tools that make sense to me in that moment. More materials are added that give the canvas a sense of history. The subject or theme is often hidden from me until I’m finished. The allowance of creativity to channel through me, without interference, produces a direct reflection of my interior emotional life. This experience of freedom has been the most profound medicine during a very difficult time. 

On March 20, 2020 my husband died. We had five beautiful years together. When he passed, I promised myself that I would make sure that my grief journey was intentional in order to honor him and the love we shared. Three days after he died, I started painting. The world had shut down but I was almost unaware of the pandemic. When I painted, a portal opened allowing me to enter places where my love was still very much alive. Art made the unbearable bearable. Trusting the canvas could hold whatever emerged and feeling held by my husband’s spirit throughout, I have not stopped painting since then. 

I’ve been blessed with an eclectic and exciting film and television career for 35 years. I produce and direct movies to create an emotional experience for other people, to not only entertain but illuminate themes and ideas that are important to me. The collaborative nature of what I do brings me continuing joy. The intimate nature of my paintings is now something I want to share, in the hopes that they and my story are healing for others.